My Frame of Mind

These are my thoughts, however I may quote those who are smarter and wiser than I am.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

What You Lookin' at?

This could be my mood today...5 days without a coffee pot can do that to a person.

For the lack of anything remotely exciting happenin' n da Hood, I thought I'd grab some random shots of Haley's adventures down Under and share with you. It's nice to live through the adventures of someone's youth who has traveled the world whilst I live n' da Hood. 

Her traveling companion.

Not to out-do her mother, drama all around at the airport but she made it!

and how nice that the Aussie's planned fireworks for her arrival!

Then they were nice enough to share the worst dust storm in over 70 years with her...
The girl can make friends wherever she lands.

Most of those new friends had 2 legs...
Some had 4 legs +....

and like her friends back home, some like to lay around and appear drunk all danged day!

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