My Frame of Mind

These are my thoughts, however I may quote those who are smarter and wiser than I am.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Upcoming New Year...and ugh! Resolutions!

I know a lot of people can set their minds on goals/resolutions and keep them.
I am not one of them to be brutally honest. I eventually started the mantra that my resolution is to not make resolutions...and I'm GOOD at it!!

I do, however, keep a list on-going of things I "want" to do...a bucket list if you will.
A few of these are:
learn how to use my camera better (since Santa or the BFG simply refuses to bring me a new one)
create more artwork and share it (no matter how tired at night I am, of course matching colors and papers aside)
keep up with laundry better (nevermind the fact someone else in the house is home 24/7 and COULD do it)

So if you're out there (*tap*tap is this thing on?) share with me what some of your bucket lists or resolutions are this coming new year.

and if you're still with me reading this instead of just looking for artwork...there could be a drawing involved here.


Juel said...

*my BIG thing is to USE what I have, instead of buying more.
*work on my blog from the class I took last spring and never finished
*take the projects I have laid out and actually do them, instead of wondering what did I get this for?

That's a start

Betsy Lewis Gully said...

Kwitcher tapping!!! It's on and you are annoying me!!

Okay, item number one is to be more patient and tolerant....

2. eat healthier.
3. exercise more (or at least some).
4. learn something new - take a class or go back to school.
5. do more charitable works.
6. smile more, complain less.
7. keep in better touch with my friends.

Stampin n da Hood said...

ok, already broke your first one!

LauraB said... bucket overfloweth....let's see...
#journal, journal, journal
#focus on what my children are saying
#spend as much time with my mom as posible
#bring dogs into the family
#sell/give away half of everything
craft related

wow... i actually feel better writing this out! thanks, T!
hope to see you at convention in DC in July~L

mE said...

I love reading everyone's lists...

I haven't really thought THAT hard on mine. I want to keep it reasonable. I did post on my blog today about what I'm LEAVING behind in 2009... :)

In 2010 I want to:

* Be more productive with my days
* Eat healthier, exercise more and increase it. (already gave up SODA...WOOT!)
* Be more organized with my house, which starts with serious dejunking this week.
* Be more kind and loving to others and work on using my edit button.
* USE the gajillions of photos that I have taken.. make more layouts!
*Make a final decision on kids.

Laura - get dogs! Get dogs!!!

Stampin n da Hood said...

More comments welcome, however the give-away is closed!

Laura B...come on the Hood to collect your prize!

Just kidding really. Just email your info, please.

Encourage people to the Hoo?...I WOULD have be kidding.