My Frame of Mind

These are my thoughts, however I may quote those who are smarter and wiser than I am.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Life Goes on...Most of the time

Well, today was uh..not so hot.
I am sure my guests don't blog in to hear bad news, but that's life and this is a blog about me and mine, so here goes.

My last unc on mom's side passed away today. He'd been ill and failing so as they say, it's a blessing to end his suffering. His wife (aunt) had called an ambulance for herself due some health issues the night before and didn't even know they were right down the hall from each other. As my cousin was going to see the unc, she passes a room as says woh, that looks like Aunt Kay...woh it is!" Then had to go break the bad news to her.
It was sad.

My other aunt was here from AZ, and was glad to be able to see her brother once or twice before he passed, cousins here from Bay Area and Fresno, too.
We were all meeting at mom's for lunch;

As we were just sitting down to eat, C-Tong (mom's 14 yr old Shitzu) wanted down from the lazy-boy chair and really will only allow mom or me to lift her. Most times she will try on her own but her back and back legs have been on the week side. Sometimes she will not wait til her feet are on the ground to hop out of our hands.
Well today was the "sometime". As I was lifting her down, she hopped out of my grip and landing on the side of her face...wait.

(ok, it's taking me awhile to type this cause I still keep sobbing about it)

She let out a yelp, and her front legs just contorted all crocked like. I KNEW something was wrong and just tried to layout her out on her side, but her front legs were like crossed and pointed straight up in the air, while her back legs were in the opposite direction, still on the side of her face.
Mom had run over to us and knelt down, then cried out and just put her head on the floor and sobbed. I was trying to soothe C-Tong, talking to her to let me straighten her out and roller her over....but I was choking up too.

See....C-Tong isn't just mom's dog. She's my little sister. When mom is gone, I get to babysit her. Sure she bonds with DH while they are home here alone during the day.
(much to our surprise! sometimes he even carries her outside and down our stairs to pee, then brings her back in!)I'm sure it's cause he slips her treats all the time.
Since she was a pup, other than mom, I was the only one who she would actually come to...she would yelp a happy yelp when I came in the house.

So you can see why I was just devastated this happened to her with me.
I cried out for someone to call the vet, begged mom to have her checked. All the local ones were referring out to another over 45 mins away. Finally mom got someone to see her, and my niece drove them over.

I think I was sobbing so hard for alot of reasons.....crappy week at work, some money issues, unc dying...then this.
As the others were cleaning up (I was outside smokin, and yea drinkin and pacing) I realized I was glad Haley wasn't there to see this as she had to leave early for work. She's been around C-Tong since she was small, too.

K, so they were gone for like an hour...I couldn't wait, called Nikki the niece's cell and she picked up and said, "call ya back" and hung up! Oh Christ!

Doc checked her out with hand exam to see if any bones were broken before submitting her to x-rays. She even suggested that maybe C-Tong knocked herself out or maybe even had a small seizure when she hit the floor. Since the damned dog started prancing around for the vet, they sent her home with a warning to watch for signs of a concussion or temporary paralysis.

I had a hard time watching her walking crooked, but after a shot of liquid motrin, she had a fine dinner of left over filet mignon, and just vegged for the rest of the evening.

I however, needed the damned doggie downers and they came home empty handed of those!


Stampin n da Hood said...

As of this am, C-Tong is right as rain (or as best as she's gonna be at her age!)
Mom's still going to take her to her own vet on Monday just for a double check...

Pammie said...

Good Grief Terri.... what a bad awful week as my kids would say! Glad to hear C-Tong is alright....

Brenda said...

Sorry to hear about your crappy week Terri and I had this huge lump in my throat expecting to read the worse about C-Tong; glad to know that she is "right as rain".

Susan H said...

MAN-O...I just finished writing about MY weird weekend and thought, "hey, I'll call Terri! She'll have a crazy story to share and I'll feel ALL BETTER!!" Nope. I'm so sorry to hear about your uncle... and aunt... and mom's dog, C Tong... and Haley... and well, hey!! Today's Monday, start of a new week, right?? Just keep swimming...just keep swimming...
I'll talk to you this afternoon...

Did you notice the full moon this weekend?? ~ S